count on apple if you want to lose weight,fruit tea good for weight loss,kiwi tea helps to lose weight

3 unique ways of weight loss with fruit tea

Weight loss with fruit tea is a beneficial option for those who are in favor of losing weight. Including fruit tea in the diet supplies the need for hydration, which is essential for completing a healthy life. Also the ease in making it makes it a great option. Moreover, fruit tea is a pack of vitamins and antioxidants. And all in all research and experience have shown that having fruit tea per day can promote wellness and can be an important source of comfort and relaxation. To find out what fruit tea is good for weight loss read the following article.

count on apple if you want to lose weight,fruit tea good for weight loss,kiwi tea helps to lose weight

Kiwi tea and weight loss

Simply adding this kind of drink to your diet doesn’t make you lose weight. For that purpose, you need to detoxify which means removing harmful substances from a living organism. In this case, you need to remove toxins, other foods that are not healthy enough, and foods that are a less nutritious option, from the body. And when you omit something, you need to replace it with something else, which in our case this replacement can happen with kiwi and kiwi tea. Some people worry about starving, but there is no need to worry. Since kiwi has vitamins E, C, K (kiwi is high in vitamin C and K, even higher than an orange), caffeine, and fiber (a great source of fiber) it is considered as a full fruit. Notice that kiwi tea helps to lose weight not by burning fat, but by filling you up without a lot of calories. A single kiwi has only 42 calories, so having a cup of kiwi gives you only 1 gram of fat. It’s a delicious drink for mornings when you need caffeine. Also, health experts have said that drinking two cups of kiwi tea, two hours before sleep makes you go to sleep easier and have a deeper sleep. This kind of tea is mostly served with ice.

Ingredients for making this tea:

  • 3 Kiwifruit (peeled)
  • 1/2 Lemon (sliced)
  • 1 Tbsp. Caster Sugar
  • 1 Green Tea Bag
  • 500ml Boiling Water
  • Ice Cubes (to serve)
  • Kiwifruit Slices (to serve)
  • Lemon Slices (to serve)


Place the lemon slices and the tea bag in a bowl and mix them. Then add water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Remove the teabag, meanwhile remove the kiwifruits through the filter. Add sugar, and set aside to cool. Add some ice cubes and serve it with kiwi and lemon slices. Enjoy!

orange tea takes care of your weight loss,count on apple if you want to lose weight,fruit tea good for weight loss

Let orange tea take care of your weight!  

Most people choose to have a drink with caffeine in the mornings. Orange tea is a nice beverage since it is a pack of nutrients and caffeine. You can make this drink with orange juice, concentrate, or orange peels. There are many reasons for not wasting the oranges peels. Health experts have recommended it for many years. It has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine.  It’s all because it’s a full pack of benefits. Nutrients in orange peels are folate, thiamine, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, and most importantly vitamin C. Thanks to orange peels you can lose weight. By boosting your metabolism, body fat will be eliminated, and as a result, you will drop the excess pounds. Not only you lose weight in this way but also you get extra energy from it.

Since orange peels taste bitter, it is recommended to eat them as juice or tea.

Ingredients for making this beneficial drink are:

  • Dried orange peels
  • a cup of hot water
  • honey

boil a cup of water with a tbsp. of orange peels for 10 minutes. After that remove the peels and add honey. If you don’t like your drink hot, add some ice and enjoy it cold.

kiwi tea helps to lose weight,orange tea takes care of your weight loss,count on apple if you want to lose weight

Apple never disappoints!

Count on apple tea if you want to lose weight. A fabulous way of losing weight and keeping weight in check is including apple fruit in the diet as a tea. But what is apple tea? The combination of dried slices of apple, black tea, cinnamon, and boiled water is called apple tea. Some people like it cold and some like it hot. Either way is possible. But the point is that it’s a great weight loss drink.

Apple is a good source of vitamin C. By the influence of vitamin C in boiling water, your immune system will improve. Since fruits have natural sugars in the form of fructose, as well as antioxidants, they prevent any sudden rise or falls in blood sugar levels. In simple words, it regulates and balances blood sugar.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the standard size of an apple has about 50 calories per 100 gm of the fruit. So, as negative calorie fruits, apples are one of the best foods for maintaining a low-calorie diet.

Apple tea recipe:

  • 2 cup of water
  • Sliced apples (2 medium apples)
  • Ginger
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey / sugar
  • Cinnamon stick


Place ginger, lemon juice, cinnamon stick, and water in a pan and boil them for 10 minutes. Then add the apple. After 5 minutes pour the apple tea into a cup. Add honey or sugar if you like it to taste sweet and enjoy.

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